For quite some time now, your feelings for your gorgeous co-worker have been taken to a new level. In a word, you start to love her beyond the boundaries of friendship. However, you don't know how to go about getting her for yourself. Find out in this article how to do it.
Start by giving her more attention and time
Just like on dating sites, the love advice from can also be applied to a work date. For an attempt at your co-worker, make her feel longed for by you. To do this, try to look her in the eye often. Then look away from her from time to time so as not to draw the attention of others to you. Listen to her a lot, she will feel that the only thing you want is to be with her. Try to involve her in your projects, she will start to realize that you are giving her an important place in your life.
Tell her often that you are over the moon when you spend time with her. At work, always find time to send her a quick text or call, even if you're busy. All of these gestures show how much you're willing to sacrifice for her.
Give her a romantic name
She's your best friend, plus your colleague, so you know her at least a little. Use her clothes or her looks or her preferences as inspiration to give her a cute nickname. Make sure she'd like the nickname before you give it to her.
Compliment her when you're alone, but also in front of other people
Women love compliments. So, enjoy this trick without limits. You can use for example these clothes her appearance, her physical... to do it. Some examples of compliments you can do:
- You are very smart;
- I like the way you listen;
- I like the way you laugh.
From all the above, seducing a woman with a magic trick is not an obvious thing. If you don't know exactly what to say or do, you'll miss out. So follow these previous tips for an ace seduction result.